Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Still not running

I keep testing out running. I did 2 miles last week (including half a mile barefoot, just to see)** , 2 tonight. It's not fun. Not only have I lost fitness in the last month, but my ankle hurts. No way around it. The sucky thing is, some times during the day it feels fine, like I could run no problem. But it's hit or miss, and everytime I've gone to run, it's been miss.

I went to spin class Saturday, that was good. I rode the bike on the trainer Sunday, that was good. I am starting this masters swim in 2 weeks, that is good. I can still lift just fine, I just haven't been (but will start again, this has been admittedly a tough and crazy month). So there's no excuse to throw in the towel and not work out. But.


I can be a cyclist this summer, but until it warms up enough for my candy ass to get outside, I am missing running. And the thing is, even walking, I limp. So it's not like I can go for a walk instead. Which in my book would now completely count as a work out (and, has counted as such for a good year and a half).

It's fine sort of, in that I've never really had any injuries that have put me out. So maybe I'm due this. Yet, it's not an injury, and so that sucks. I assume it will be fine at some point, but who knows when. I will go back to the foot guy for an MRI and to try a cortisone shot if the prednisone I'm on now doesn't do anything. But of course, it's not a flare, it just IS, so the prednisone really ISN'T doing anything. Though it is helping my neck, so maybe it is a flare. I don't know.

**So about the running barefoot, I've been curious. Wendy has RA and runs a LOT barefoot, and says it has helped despite having foot issues. I did half a mile, which is actually longer than recommeded for starting out, as it takes time for the body to adjust. The thing is, my first mile with shoes sucked so much that I was just frustrated, so even though running barefoot didn't necessarily feel good, it did feel a little better, plus I had no expectations for it to feel good so it helped me not want to punch something. I'd give it a more serious try if running at all becomes more feasible.


jessica said...

Maybe it's the frustrating year I've had, but I think you're still "a runner" even during down time. If you're still discouraged in a couple weeks though, Masters will definitely help distract you :)

Michelle Simmons said...

I have some friends who have started running in those vibram 5 finger things and swear by them. No persoanl experience myself, but interesting and maybe worth trying? Like barefoot...

Shevaun said...

My husband started running barefoot last year. He has since completed 2 marathons barefoot. It has been a long slow learning process, but he no longer has problems with several nagging injuries. The big thing is to take it slow and not get discouraged. His blog is http://faster-than-schroff.blogspot.com/

Ginny M said...

It's frustrating that you can't run, but you're way ahead of the curve, considering such a small percentage of people consistently work out. Don't be too hard on yourself!

RunningMama said...

I feel your pain! I once couldn't run for 9 months and IT SUCKED. All you want to do is run when you can't. And, the only thing that you can do is get zen about it and try to divert yourself with other things. And, um, WHERE do you run barefoot? On a TM??

Angela and David said...

I wanted to know where you ran barefoot as well. I am totally intrigued by it but am terrified of all of the crap on the road.

Hope you ankle gets better. Enjoy masters!

N.D. said...

you'll get back out there soon! hang in there and keep up the cross training (which I'm sure you will!)

Jason Robillard said...

Barefoot running isn't always as intuitive as it seems. Check this out... it may be helpful:


Good luck!

-Jason Robillard