Tuesday, March 03, 2009

First day

I survived the first day ok. Didn't have to go in early, so even though I got up and did the routine so I could see if I could get out the door by 7, I stayed and snuggled with Andra until 9. She did fine with my mom, and I was home by 2:45. I pumped at school (this will be what I do at lunchtime now). I was mean to my first class (they were horrendous to the sub and in general are just little twits) and made them scared and sheepish, and then I was nice to my next class because they're good kids. That's really all I did today, teach 2 classes (and before that, figure out what the hell I'll be teaching for the next couple weeks and get copies made, etc.), because the morning was testing for the 10th graders and we only had a few classes in the afternoon. That's the plan through next Tuesday. I only have to be in by 7:30 on Thursday and next Tuesday.

I did go to the core class tonight. I think I'm going to give it up for a while though. It's at 6:30, meaning I don't get home til 7:45. Bedtime lately is around 7:30. Andra tends not to nap during the day, which makes for a cranky baby come 6:30 or so, and in general I feed her more often. So she just cries if I'm not there (and even if I am sometimes). And since I'm the only one who can put her to bed (or, rather, my boobs are), it complicates things. I guess we could give her a bottle at night, but I'm not ready to do that because she will now be getting them during the day and I guess I just want to nurse her as much as possible still. I'm ok with giving up the class (until she's a little older), but the thing with a class is I'm more likely to get there. If I do have to go on my own, I'm more likely to bail because I'll feel bad spending more time away from her. And yes, I know the whole thing about how I need my own time and to keep working out because it is for me, etc. But that doesn't make it easier. So the next few weeks are going to be tough. I'll be away from Andra for 8 hours (7-3) most days, 9 if I go to the gym right after school. I'm thinking that I'm going to try to get her to bed at 7 (so asleep by 7:30) and just go then, twice a week. I'll take one day off, and maybe once it warms up I can run with her twice. And the bike trainer? I used it twice the week I got it and not since.

Argh. Trying to figure out how to fit workouts in without taking more time away from her (which is impossible) is very stressful.


Michelle Simmons said...

That does sound really tough. Maybe your best bet is to get her to bed earlier and then go after she's asleep. The challenge there is that you don't get evenings with your husband. I think this is where working moms have such a legit complaint about *balance*. I'm sure I wouldn't be training 1/2 as much as I am if I had a job outside of this house.

RunningMama said...

I hear you! I don't know how I am going to fit in workouts when I go back to work. I already feel guilty leaving him for 1 hr 20 min when I am home all day. At least you only have 3 more months of school and then you when you go back in the fall Andra will be sleeping more and you might e able to exercise in the am before she wakes up.

Angela and David said...

My secret to getting the workouts in is getting up really early. Not for everyone but I don't feel guilty about it if I know Zach is just sleeping. And we've put in a 7:00 bedtime here and it's made life so much easier. He likes the routine and it gives me a few hours every night to just relax. Glad you are adjusting to going back to work. Each week you'll figure out little tricks or changes to your schedule that makes life easier. It takes time but you'll get there!

Natalie D said...

Just think, only a few more months and you'll be back home with her! It will be quick. You will figure out a routine. I would do it with whenever she is sleeping. Could you go at like 5am ? The nighttime one if she goes to bed earlier would be good. I don't know how I'll do it either!

Natalie D said...

oh, when you get home, can you take her out in the jogger a couple days a week?

X-Country2 said...

You'll get it all figured out. Give the new schedule a little time to settle. Make sure you take some time for you too.

Debs M-C said...

I don't know how I'm going to juggle everything. I think I'll need to run at lunchtime when I'm back at work. Thankfully I don't need to worry about that for a few months!