Saturday, June 13, 2009

Andra's first race in the BOB

We did a little 3 miler this morning, part of a summer series that progresses and ends with a half marathon in September. I figure the only way I will have a chance at getting my long runs long again is to have races to do.

This was a small race, maybe 100 people or so. We started at the back so we didn't get in anyone's way. It was actually nice, I got to pass lots of people in the first mile! (Ok, lots maybe means 20?) 8:37, but it was pretty much flat and downhill. The uphills started with a vengeance after that (probably not that bad in reality), at mile 2 my watch said 18:07 and we finished at 27:45 or so, 9:15 pace I guess. It was hard!!! I mean, obviously I was slow, but no was hard! I also think I didn't eat enough, my stomach hurt like it was hungry during the last mile. The 5 mile in the series is in 2 weeks, I think I'll take Andra for that one but then for the rest I'll need to run solo! I'm totally running these just for fun/distance, not for speed - at least, not under pressure. Andra was a champ, awake the whole time with a few moments of babbling here and there. We were the only ones with a stroller, I guess I figured in such a local event there would be at least one other.

I'm looking into doing a duathlon this summer. I have a couple in mind. Hopefully I'll actually show up for one.


Michelle Simmons said...

That's not slow for the jogger!!! Holy moly those things are hard to run with. Nice job. :)

H said...

I still haven't done a race with the jogger. Cool! :)

RunningMama said...

That's faster than I freaking run with the jogging stroller. I was very happy to read in RW this month that running with a jogging stroller can burn 20% more calories. Woohoo!

N.D. said...

I have to try a race w/ the stroller. Great job!!

X-Country2 said...

I always think ladies racing with strollers are super hard core!

Angela and David said...

Jogger + hills equals one tough race. You could do the duathlon with Andra too! You would be my ultimate hero.

Debs M-C said...

A race with the jogger? Wow! You're taking it to another level :-) I'd probably kill people with it.

Birdie said...

Racing with BOB = cool! Way to go!