Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I met after school today with a kid and his mom, about the kid's grade. Mom was making the rounds to all the teachers. The kid was helping her keep us straight, and she joked that he told her, "Ok, the English teacher is the who looks pregnant but isn't, and the science teacher is the one who is pregnant but doesn't look it." Well, turns out the English teacher IS pregnant (4 months) and just told the students, but still...funny. Is it wrong to take pleasure in that, even though it's a lot of dumb luck that my kid is low and the belly small? At the same time, 3 teachers I never see commented today on my looking pregnant (but they were surprised to hear I'm due in a month).

I'm scrambling trying to get a big project done with the kids that no sub will be able to finish for me (it involves computers and our unreliable wireless network and server and it a big pain in the ass) before Thanksgiving. I figure I'm good til at LEAST then. But I've left day-by-day plans accessible just in case. After that, I don't care so much...the other Earth science teachers (whom I helped to learn our curriculum when they were new) are going to have to help the sub along. I just want to make it til December...a week in would be nice, 38 weeks...eager to find out Thursday if I've dilated any more, I'd say it's likely as I've felt a little different, but certainly nothing like regular or painful contractions.


N.D. said...

Haha, I feel the same way and I would feel good about the kids comments too! Someone told me today that I'm really showing now and I was like Nooooo!!! I don't want to be "really showing" now!!! I have been thinking, what kind of plans am I going to leave?? Can they just figure it out while they are subbing for me, bc I am not going to care!! :) I had to give a date so I'm giving May 1 as my date, so that might give me 2 months off or 3... hopefully closer to 2, at this point for $$ but I bet I won't want to go back :)

X-Country2 said...

Great story. You take every bit of pleasure possible from that comment. You deserve it. :o)

H said...

You're the opposite of me! I couldn't wait until people could tell I was pregnant and didn't just think I looked fat and like I'd gained some weight (which in my head, is what they were thinking before then, though in reality people are seldom that concerned with someone's weight, I know I know)

Clare said...

heather, i was JUST like that! but now it's definitely pregnant, not fat, i'm just glad it's tastefully pregnant and not a watermelon!