Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just a laugh

Today my sister in law had a pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving for friends, and among those in attendance were a woman 5 months pregnant with twins, and her 5 year old son. We'd been saying earlier how kids just have no filters, they say what they see. So at the end of the night as they were leaving, I stood up, and the kid took one look at my belly and said, "Wow, you ate a lot!"

Thankfully I'm over my "I don't look pregnant, just fat" stage, because it was one of the funniest things ever. When his mom told him no, I was pregnant just like her, he seemed to buy it...


X-Country2 said...

Food babies are babies too!

Michelle Simmons said...

That's too funny...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, kids say the funniest things. Austin is big on busting people for farting right now. He'll look you right in the eye and say, "you toot!" and if it was a smelly one, he'll hold his nose.

N.D. said...

Hahahah. THat is so cute.

N.D. said...

are you going to run tomorrow? We aren't getting there till around 11/12, so I'll miss it but thanks for info! A girl that is due Feb 7 (2 weeks before me) went into labor yesterday and was delivering today. Yikes!!!

H said...

Pregnant? You mean you ate a baby? :D

(My young cousin accused me of that last part when I explained the baby was in my belly when he came over with my uncle to deliver the crib)