Wednesday, March 21, 2012


After all that... Three eggs.

But I did manage to finally cry. Albeit for only a minute and I had no privacy.


fancy nancy said...

Ugh....I wish I could give you a hug!

N.D. said...

Do these 3 have a chance, there were 6, then 5, now 3, but still good there are 3?? Thinking of you Clare!

Angela and David said...

I know the last thing you want to do during this process is let yourself get your hope up at all...but it only takes one good egg.

RunningMama said...

Remember: only takes one. Seriously. I know I sound like a broken record and I hated it when people told it to me...but you know the stats on my cycle that worked. 4 mature eggs, 2 fertilized, one baby. It ain't over til it is over. Try and be delusionally optimistic until the end. For right now, consider yourself pregnant until proven otherwise. And if it ends up being "otherwise" wait until you know that answer to deal with it. No need to torture yourself until you know. And, honey, I have cried snotty nosed red eyed in public so many times...I'm sure people think I'm crazy.

Nitsirk said...

I've cried a lot this past week about egg-related things so I hear you. Cry away. As others have said already it only takes one though. However, it is really frustrating that there are women out there cranking out babies (not always wanted) while some of us struggle. Hang in there and I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.