Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another run...I'll take what I can get.

Gorgeous day today, so I took Andra to one of the neighboring beaches we can only get into off season. I parked about a mile from the beach so I could get an iced coffee from the cute market in town. Put Andi in the BOB and off we went. My ankle felt ok (instead of my custom $$ orthotics, I had in good old Dr. Scholl's inserts I bought while pregnant...I think I had another post a while ago that these actually seemed to do more than the orthotics, but they've been hidden in my slippers all summer and so I haven't worn them in a while). I figured I'd run a few steps and see. Hmmm. Not bad, except that my iced coffee was sloshing all over the place. (If I'd planned to run, I wouldn't have bought that as a pre-workout drink!) Still, small price to pay if I can actually manage to run...and I could! It was 10 minutes to the beach, and later 10 back. It was slow, but honestly not much slower than normal BOB runs for me (oh, how long ago that all seems...). It felt good...not pain free, but I don't think I had too much of a limp, and running actually feels better than walking when I can do it. I'm not sure I can necessarily plan runs...some days I know it will just hurt too much. But, maybe I can plan more walks that COULD be runs if it feels good. It would be nice to be able to do that again. Working out has taken a backseat to everything lately. Work is a bit stressful, I am tutoring 5 or 6 hours a week as opposed to the 2 last year (we need the $$ badly, especially with this CA bike trip), and the not being able to just go run makes working out much more of a time commitment.

I hope I am sore tomorrow. I miss that.


Wren said...

I'm glad you got to run, even if it was slower than you'd like and short, too. Great idea about planning walks during which you CAN run if you're feeling up to it. You're so tough, Clare -- I really admire your tenaciousness.

OK. What's a BOB? ;o)

Nitsirk said...

Awesome! Running with the BOB is in a whole different category so I am doubly impressed. Nice job.

Angela and David said...

Yeah! So glad you got to run. Hopefully you'll get more opportunities. It must have been a good run if you sacrificed your coffee.

WendyBird said...

YAY!! Keep up the great work!

N.D. said...

Nice! Geesh - hope you can get out there w/o stroller. So much easier.