Thursday, June 07, 2012

All good

Had NT scan and bloodwork, all the numbers came back better than the age-related risks so no need to ponder a CVS or amnio.  Anatomy scan will be July 11.  Gut says it's another girl...maybe just wishful thinking since I have all the stuff and all the clothes in the right seasons??

Have been walking a lot this real desire to run.  I figure, if my ankle feels good enough again to walk, why risk even that by running right now?  Especially since there's no reason to run...I am out of shape, pregnant, no plans or walking is fun and low stress and just enough right now.


fancy nancy said...

I'm so glad that things are going well!!! Walk away!!

Angela and David said...

Glad things are going well!

WendyBird said...

I haven't checked my blog feeds in ages, so thrilled to hear your happy news! I hope you don't mind, I added you to the Athletes Beating RA page on Facebook. You are an awesome, strong woman and fantastic mommy!